
AI for Equality: The Great Sit-in for Economic Redistribution

A sit-in campaign focused on local governments to address AI existential risk and economic inequality

Updated June 29, 2023

Campaign Idea

A series of sit-ins at local government buildings, under the banner of “AI for Equality,” aimed at urging local politicians to take action against AI existential risk by facilitating economic and resource redistribution.

Campaign Description

The AI for Equality sit-in campaign will consist of a series of peaceful, coordinated sit-ins at local government buildings and offices across multiple cities. Activists and supporters will gather with signage and materials highlighting the potential risks posed by AI, along with the importance of economic redistribution in mitigating those risks. The sit-ins will last for several days, with the aim of drawing attention and putting pressure on local government officials to take action. As a social democracy-centered campaign, AI for Equality will emphasize the importance of community and cooperation in facing the challenges posed by AI, as well as the necessity of fairness and economic equality to ensure society’s preparedness for an AI-assisted future.

Theory for Why This Campaign Will Create Change

By targeting local governments, the AI for Equality sit-in campaign will be able to effect change from the ground up. Local governments are more accessible and responsive to their constituents, providing a greater chance for the message of economic redistribution and AI risk mitigation to be heard and acted upon. Additionally, by focusing on sit-ins, the campaign will receive media attention and spark public discourse around AI existential risk and the need for wealth and resource redistribution.

Sample Viral Social Media Post from the Campaign

“🤖 AI for Equality - Join us for the Great Sit-in for Economic Redistribution! Let’s demand a fair future for all, where AI risk is mitigated, and resources are shared. Mark your calendars and join the movement! #AIforEquality #SitInForRedistribution”

Sample Press Release Announcing Campaign to Media

For Immediate Release

AI for Equality announces the Great Sit-in for Economic Redistribution, a series of peaceful sit-ins at local government buildings to raise awareness of AI existential risk and the need for economic redistribution.

City, State, Date - AI for Equality, a group of concerned citizens and activists, is launching a campaign to address the pressing issue of AI existential risk and the importance of economic redistribution. The Great Sit-in for Economic Redistribution aims to bring attention to the potential risks of AI and how a fairer distribution of resources can help mitigate those risks.

The sit-ins will take place at several local government buildings and will continue for multiple days. Activists and supporters will gather peacefully, urging local politicians to take proactive steps in addressing AI existential risk and prioritizing economic equality.

In line with social democracy values, AI for Equality emphasizes the importance of community cooperation in facing the challenges of AI and the need for economic fairness in the age of rapid technological advances.

For more information about AI for Equality and the Great Sit-in for Economic Redistribution, supporters can follow the campaign on social media using the hashtags #AIforEquality and #SitInForRedistribution.

Story Written in the First Person Perspective

As an advocate for both AI safety and social democracy, I couldn’t stand by while the world seemed oblivious to the potential risks that AI posed. I felt it was essential to address AI existential risk and promote economic equality. That’s when the idea of AI for Equality and the Great Sit-in for Economic Redistribution was born.

We started small, just a handful of dedicated activists, but our message resonated. More and more people joined the sit-ins at local government buildings, and it wasn’t long before the media took notice. Politicians couldn’t ignore our demands any longer.

In the end, several local governments adopted measures to promote wealth redistribution and invest in AI safety research. We began to see the first steps toward a fairer, safer society where AI would benefit everyone, not just a select few. Our journey is far from over, but as AI for Equality grows, we’ll continue to push for change.

How Will Opponents to This Campaign Try to Stop It

Opponents of AI for Equality may argue that the campaign is alarmist and that the potential risks of AI are overstated. They may also oppose economic redistribution efforts, asserting that they stifle innovation, economic growth, or individual freedom.

How Should Activists Respond to Opponent’s Attempts to Stop It

Activists should remain firm in their message about AI existential risk, citing credible research and expert opinions. They should also emphasize the importance of economic fairness in creating a just, resilient society capable of addressing the challenges posed by AI. By keeping the focus on social democracy values and community cooperation, activists can counter detractors effectively.

What Are the Steps Necessary to Launch the Campaign

  1. Campaign planning and coordination.

    • Suggestion: Set up a communication platform (e.g., Slack or Discord) for organizers and activists.
  2. Outreach and education.

    • Suggestion: Create informative materials for distribution and share key facts about AI risk and economic redistribution on social media.
  3. Local government building identification.

    • Suggestion: Research and select the most suitable local government buildings for the sit-ins.
  4. Organization of sit-in logistics.

    • Suggestion: Plan the date, time, and supplies needed (e.g., signage, chairs, food, etc.) for the sit-ins.
  5. Publicity and media relations.

    • Suggestion: Write and distribute press releases, and encourage participants to share the event on social media using the campaign hashtags.
  6. Coordination of legal support.

    • Suggestion: Consult with legal advisors to ensure a safe and legally compliant protest.
  7. Evaluation and follow-up.

    • Suggestion: After the sit-ins, gather feedback to improve future actions and maintain momentum in driving change.

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