
AI Guardians: Safeguarding the Future

Legal actions to empower NGOs in regulating advanced AI systems

Updated June 29, 2023

## Campaign Idea
 AI Guardians: Safeguarding the Future

## Campaign Description
 AI Guardians is a campaign aimed at empowering non-governmental organizations (NGOs) to play an active role in monitoring and regulating advanced AI systems. Through legal actions such as lawsuits and filing petitions, the campaign seeks to encourage institutional and structural transformations that ensure the responsible development and deployment of AI systems. The campaign will also promote transparency, ethical guidelines, and collaboration between NGOs, governments, and AI developers, helping to prevent any possible misuse or harmful consequences of advanced AI technologies.

## Theory for Why This Campaign Will Create Change
 By applying legal pressure and promoting public awareness of the dangers associated with advanced AI systems, AI Guardians will compel NGOs to take an active role in the regulation and oversight of AI development. This collaboration will lead to the development of robust ethical guidelines and help to ensure that AI technology is used responsibly, ultimately leading to a safer, more transparent, and equitable future.

## Sample Viral Social Media Post from the Campaign

"🤖👩‍⚖️ #AIGuardians: Ensuring that advanced AI systems are developed with ethics and responsibility in mind, our legal actions empower NGOs to be the sentinels of a safer future. Join us in safeguarding humanity! 💪🌍 #AIforGood #EthicalAI"

## Sample Press Release Announcing Campaign to Media


AI Guardians Launches Legal Actions to Empower NGOs in Regulating Advanced AI Systems

[City, Date] - Today, AI Guardians, a collective of social democracy activists, announces its campaign to empower non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in navigating the dangers of advanced AI systems. Through legal actions such as lawsuits and filing petitions, AI Guardians aims to encourage institutional and structural transformations that ensure the responsible development and deployment of AI systems.

The campaign focuses on promoting transparency, ethical guidelines, and collaboration among NGOs, governments, and AI developers. By advocating for responsible AI development, AI Guardians hopes to prevent potential misuse and harmful consequences of advanced AI technologies.

AI Guardians invites NGOs, researchers, policymakers, and AI developers to unite in a common goal of creating a safer, more transparent, and equitable future.


## Story Written in the First Person Perspective

It all began when I attended an AI ethics conference and learned about the potential dangers of advanced AI systems. As a social democracy activist, I knew I had to do something to help create change. That's when AI Guardians was born.

Our team started by researching the most pressing issues associated with advanced AI and identifying NGOs that shared our concerns. We then developed a legal strategy to empower these NGOs in regulating and overseeing AI development.

With the help of dedicated volunteers, we took legal actions, such as lawsuits and filing petitions, and gained significant media attention. News of our victories spread, and support from the tech community grew, leading to more NGOs joining our cause.

Collaboration between NGOs, governments, and AI developers increased, resulting in ethical guidelines and responsible AI development becoming the norm. Ultimately, we had achieved our mission to safeguard humanity from the potential abuses of advanced AI systems.

## How Will Opponents to This Campaign Try to Stop It

Opponents of the campaign, such as organizations that prioritize AI development without considering its potential consequences, may attempt to discredit the campaign by promoting the idea that regulation will stifle innovation. They may also use their influence in the tech industry to lobby against the campaign's goals and resist regulatory changes.

## How Should Activists Respond to Opponent's Attempts to Stop It

Activists should counter these tactics by emphasizing the importance of responsible AI development and showcasing examples of AI abuse to bolster their arguments. They should also collaborate with like-minded organizations, experts, and policymakers to create a united front and advocate for responsible AI development standards.

## What Are the Steps Necessary to Launch the Campaign

1. Identify NGOs concerned about AI's potential dangers.
   - Research and network with NGOs focusing on AI ethics and social responsibility.

2. Develop a legal strategy.
   - Consult with legal experts to identify opportunities for lawsuits and petitions.

3. Fundraise for campaign expenses.
   - Develop a fundraising strategy and organize events to gather necessary resources.

4. Recruit volunteers and supporters.
   - Leverage social media and networking events to build a dedicated volunteer base.

5. Execute legal actions.
   - Collaborate with NGOs and legal experts to initiate lawsuits and petitions, and communicate progress to the public.

6. Engage with media and promote the campaign.
   - Write press releases, participate in interviews, and use social media to spread the message and gain support.

7. Foster collaboration among NGOs, governments, and AI developers.
   - Organize conferences, workshops, and meetings to create a platform for dialogue and cooperation.

8. Monitor progress and impact.
   - Track the campaign's successes and adjust strategies as needed to maintain momentum and achieve the desired impact.

Previous: AI Guardians: Saving Humanity Through Art

Next: AI Guardians: Safeguarding Our World