
Disconnect to Reconnect: Boycott AIs for Ethical Development

An unconventional boycott campaign urging educational institutions to rethink their involvement in uncontrolled GPT development.

Updated June 29, 2023

Campaign Idea

Disconnect to Reconnect

Campaign Description

Disconnect to Reconnect is a 65-day long grassroots boycott campaign targeting educational institutions involved in uncontrolled GPT development. It aims to raise awareness about the potential dangers and ethical concerns surrounding such development, and encourages students, faculty, and staff to temporarily disconnect from AI-powered platforms in solidarity. Participants will engage in alternative, more human-centric means of communication and information-sharing, while advocating for legislative and policy reforms to ensure ethical development of AI technologies in the future.

Theory for Why This Campaign Will Create Change

By hitting educational institutions where it matters most - their reputation and research capabilities - the boycott campaign will force these institutions to reevaluate their involvement in uncontrolled GPT development. The immense pressure created by combined student, faculty, and staff efforts will catalyze dialogues on ethical AI development, eventually leading to legislative and policy reforms.

Sample Viral Social Media Post from the Campaign

“🤖💔 Are we trading our humanity for uncontrolled AI development? Join the #DisconnectToReconnect boycott and demand ethical GPT development at our educational institutions! ✊🕊️ #BoycottUnethicalAI #65Days”

Sample Press Release Announcing Campaign to Media



Activists from across the political spectrum have come together under the banner of “Disconnect to Reconnect.” The campaign aims to shed light on the potential ethical concerns surrounding uncontrolled GPT development and urges students, faculty, and staff to temporarily disconnect from AI-powered platforms as a form of protest.

The campaign will last for 65 days and will showcase alternative, human-centric means of communication and information-sharing, while advocating for legislative and policy reforms to ensure ethical development of AI technologies in the future.

Story Written in the First Person Perspective

It all started with a small group of us, concerned about the uncontrolled GPT development taking place at our university. We knew something had to change, so we launched “Disconnect to Reconnect.”

The response was overwhelming. Students, faculty, and staff from all corners of the campus started boycotting AI-powered platforms, and our voices were heard. Together, we were able to influence the university’s policies and demand ethical development of AI technologies.

How Will Opponents to This Campaign Try to Stop It

Opponents, including those benefiting from uncontrolled GPT development and institutions heavily vested in AI research, may try to discredit the campaign or highlight its potential negative impact on educational progress or resources.

How Should Activists Respond to Opponent’s Attempts to Stop It

Activists should remain steadfast in their goals, emphasizing the ethical concerns and potential long-term consequences of uncontrolled GPT development. They should also highlight the inclusivity of their movement, inviting open discussions and offering alternative, human-centric approaches to education and research.

What Are the Steps Necessary to Launch the Campaign

  1. Assemble a core team of organizers, with representatives from various educational institutions.
    • Suggestion: Utilize existing networks, social media, and student organizations to recruit team members.
  2. Develop campaign materials, such as posters, flyers, and social media graphics.
    • Suggestion: Seek volunteer graphic designers and writers through online activist communities.
  3. Create a compelling message and vision for the campaign, focusing on the importance of ethical AI development.
    • Suggestion: Emphasize the role of educational institutions in shaping a better future through responsible research and development.
  4. Outreach to students, faculty, and staff, encouraging them to take part in the boycott.
    • Suggestion: Partner with existing campus clubs and associations to widen the network of participants.
  5. Maintain an online presence, keeping supporters informed of campaign progress and offering additional resources.
    • Suggestion: Update the campaign website and social media platforms regularly, and offer tools for offline engagement (e.g., organizing local events).
  6. Engage with media, sharing the campaign’s message and successes.
    • Suggestion: Connect with journalists and media outlets covering technology, education, and activism.

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