
Project_AI_Aware: Free Your Mind

An educational campaign to raise awareness about the potential threats of AI and promote the adoption of alternative governance systems

Updated June 29, 2023

Campaign Idea

Project_AI_Aware: Free Your Mind

Campaign Description

Project_AI_Aware aims to educate corporations and businesses about the potential existential threat posed by uncontrolled artificial intelligence development. Using a series of expert-driven online webinars and digital resources, the campaign will encourage these entities to consider alternative governance systems that prioritize human autonomy and decision-making. The project will also feature a viral social media component with #FreeYourMind to reach a wider audience and inspire more conversations about the ethical implications of AI advancements.

Theory for Why This Campaign Will Create Change

By targeting businesses and corporations directly, Project_AI_Aware will educate and empower those who have a significant influence on AI development. By promoting alternative governance systems that focus on human-centered decision-making, the campaign aims to change the dominant narrative and push for AI developments that prioritize human well-being and autonomy.

Sample Viral Social Media Post from the Campaign

“πŸ€– Are we sleepwalking into an AI-controlled future? Join Project_AI_Aware and let’s #FreeYourMind from the chains of artificial intelligence. Learn more about alternative governance systems that put humans first πŸ‘©β€πŸ’»πŸŒπŸ‘¨β€πŸ’» #Project_AI_Aware #HumanAutonomy”

Sample Press Release Announcing Campaign to Media


Project_AI_Aware: Free Your Mind – A Campaign to Empower Corporations and Businesses to Make Ethical AI Choices

[City, State, Month XX, 2023] - Project_AI_Aware, an educational initiative spearheaded by activist Micah White, PhD, seeks to empower corporations and businesses with the knowledge and tools to make ethical choices regarding artificial intelligence (AI) development. The campaign aims to raise awareness about the potential existential risk posed by AI and promote alternative governance systems that prioritize human autonomy.

The campaign will provide online webinars, expert talks, and digital resources to help corporations and businesses understand the ethical implications of AI advancement. Project_AI_Aware will also feature a viral social media component using the hashtag #FreeYourMind, encouraging more conversations on this critical issue.

For more information about Project_AI_Aware and how to participate, please visit our official website (URL).



As a committed libertarian, I’ve always been concerned about individual liberty and autonomy in the face of technological advancements. The rapid progress of artificial intelligence left me fearing for our future, so I decided to create Project_AI_Aware. I wanted to educate corporations and businesses on their role in shaping AI and encourage the adoption of alternative governance systems that prioritize human well-being and freedom.

With a modest budget and an 87-day timeline, the campaign quickly took off. Our webinars and digital resources made a significant impact, and the #FreeYourMind hashtag went viral on social media. More and more corporations began to understand the importance of ethical AI choices and started implementing alternative governance systems. Together, we helped safeguard humanity’s future against the potential threats of AI.

How Will Opponents to This Campaign Try to Stop It

Opponents may attempt to discredit the campaign by labeling it as fear-mongering or suggesting that AI poses no real threat to human existence. They might also argue that the adoption of alternative governance systems is unnecessary or overly restrictive.


Activists should counter these claims by presenting well-researched and evidence-based arguments showcasing the potential risks associated with AI. They should also emphasize the benefits of alternative governance systems that prioritize human autonomy and well-being.

What Are the Steps Necessary to Launch the Campaign

  1. Assemble a team of AI experts and ethics researchers
  2. Develop compelling online webinars and digital resources
  3. Create a cohesive social media strategy utilizing the #FreeYourMind hashtag
  4. Reach out to corporations and businesses to encourage participation
  5. Write and distribute a press release announcing the campaign
  6. Regularly update and engage with the campaign community for the 87-day duration

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